Sigma Test (sigmatesting20)
STRC does the analysis of all transformer oil testing parameters giving accurate results by performing tests under the guidance of trained and expert staff. Transformer oils are subjected to electrical and mechanical stresses while a transformer or other electrical distribution equipment stays in operation. The analysis of insulating oil provides information about the oil, but also enables the detection of other possible problems, including contact arcing, ageing insulating paper and other latent faults and is an indispensable part of the cost-efficient electrical maintenance program.

Transformer oils are subjected to electrical and mechanical stresses while a transformer or other electrical distribution equipment stays in operation. The analysis of insulating oil provides information about the oil, but also enables the detection of other possible problems, including contact arcing, ageing insulating paper and other latent faults and is an indispensable part of the cost-efficient electrical maintenance program.
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STRC does the analysis of all transformer oil testing parameters giving accurate results by performing tests under the guidance of trained and expert staff. Transformer oils are subjected to electrical and mechanical stresses while a transformer or other electrical distribution equipment stays in operation. The analysis of insulating oil provides information about the oil, but also enables the detection of other possible problems, including contact arcing, ageing insulating paper and other latent faults and is an indispensable part of the cost-efficient electrical maintenance program.

Transformer oils are subjected to electrical and mechanical stresses while a transformer or other electrical distribution equipment stays in operation. The analysis of insulating oil provides information about the oil, but also enables the detection of other possible problems, including contact arcing, ageing insulating paper and other latent faults and is an indispensable part of the cost-efficient electrical maintenance program.

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